dds2img converts dds files to other formats Usage: dds2img -or- dds2img outfilename. valid ext = bmp, dds, jpg, pbm, pcx, png, ppm, raw, sgi, tga or tif imgconv Usage: imgconv filename. -or- imgconv infilename. outfilename. valid ext = bmp, dds, jpg, pbm, pcx, png, ppm, raw, sgi, tga or tif imgconv handles many input types, including DDS, but some (all?) DDS files with alpha channels seem to confuse the DevIL libs. dds2img only reads DDS files. It uses the DXT libs for reading and then converts the file to a TGA file in memory which the DevIL routines hadle ok. DevIL's image writing function is then used to save to file in any of the supported formats. So imgconv is probably a bit more efficient, but if you're working with DDS files and want to be sure they come out right, use dds2img. -NghtShd