X B M P : Config Helper ----------------------- version 0.1 : official ----------------------- Made possible by HyperG, sd00, and Chossy ----------------------- Table of Contents ----------------------- 1. Installing 2. Individual EXE file 3. How to use 4. Things to notice 5. Source code 6. Legalities 1. Installing ----------------------- If you downloaded the installation package, it includes all the required VB runtime files to run. 2. Individual EXE file ----------------------- If you downloaded the individual exe package, it is warned that you need VB runtime files before executing the xbmp_ch.exe file. Or else it will fail to run. 3. How to use ----------------------- Run the app and just follow the on screen instructions. Follow each and everything. Static IP(s) and Remote IP (PC IP which is running Xstream or whatever streaming app that you are using) both have options that come up when you press the create config file button. Even though you do not see anything for disabling network related functions is because that is what i'm speaking of. It comes up first asking if you would like to use the static ip(s) option. You choose yes if you haven't set the static ip(s) up yet in Evolution-X , or No if you have already set them up in Evolution-X. The next question that comes up is if you would like to run off hard drive or cd/dvd drive. You choose Yes for hard drive, or No for CD/DVD. Realize in the last question, you must choose no as well. Last but not least, it asks if you want to create the file. Choose yes if you are extremely sure the settings you specified are correct. Choose no if you aren't sure yet. Then upload XBMP to your xbox along with your new xbpconfig.xml file , which is found in the directory where xbmp_ch.exe is. 4. Things to notice ----------------------- - xbpconfig.xml file gets deleted each time you start up XBMP Config Helper. So make sure you do not have it in the directory if you are going to use it. Other then that, this is not a bug, but you can't be too dumb (I hope). - Wonder why the splash screen isn't going anywhere? Well I rushed this release, so no timer was put in to automatically by pass it. All you do is click the Start Application button, and ready you are. - This is open source, you can add what you want, add support, do changes, whatever. I just put in the main things to worry about. File types isn't that big of a deal, got the most file types in there anyways that are compatible. Don't expect Quicktime video to run anyways. Also it's easy to mess around with the code, a ton of it is repeated basically, so you'll be able to make your own apps easily with it. 5. Source code ----------------------- This package contains the simple code I've written. Some portion of code provided by sd00 (the source code notes what code specifically). Chossy simpily supplied me some resources to refresh myself with VB development. 6. Legalities ----------------------- You may do whatever you want with this source, as long as you use the source in good terms and do not sell this program. This application can only be distributed freely. Legal action will be taken if code is seen distributed with cd-roms or whatever. Remember pirating is a crime, support the developers and film companies. ---------------------------------------------- This app is © 2002 by Hyper Gaming Interactive