XBMC skin Editor By JimK current status: This is almost fully functional. There are some control types that will not have a preview display for them yet. But most of the common ones do. Using the app: Each time you change a setting and click on a different control type in the list it will save the changes you made to that control in the program memory. To view the changes made you can got to the xml page and click the button at top to load the xml info from memory to the the display below it and compare the original xml file and the new xml file. If you need a reference you can click the show numbers button and it will number the lines in each view. To use this program to the fullest I recomend downloading the CVS build of PM3 skin so you have all the image files in your media folder to see a nice preview of what it looks like. This App WILL NOT load images from the textures.Xpr file!!!! There are some default images for buttons and such for display during construction of your skin. Getting Started: Unzip into your main skin folder. The run the app and click the tool button with the checkmark and gear. Set the directories for your skin directory, should be the dir you put the app into, your media directory(this is where all your images are), and your fonts dir. The fonts are currently not supported. Will be added soon. After this is done you are ready to start editing. Click open and select the XML file you wish to edit. after it loads you will see a list of items appear in the controls box. These are all the objects that make up that window of the skin. If you have all the images in the media folder you can use the preview page and start at the top of the list and just click on each one and they will appear in the preview. Be sure to select the screen resolution. The default for PM3 is PAL! The items that appear can be draged to anyplace in the view. If it is a button you are trying to select be sure to click in the upper left corner as clicking on the text will not select it. Any changes you make will take effect in the memory only. To update an object in the view right click it and clear it in the view and then click on the item in the list to recreate the new object. There is no way to update a created object in the view once it is displayed. Simply clear it and recreate it. When you have completed all the changes you wish to make just click on the disk toolbutton and save the xml file. PLEASE use the submit bugs button on the instructions page to give me ideas for improvements and report any bugs. Or if you just want to comment on the program. I hope you enjoy!! p.s. Futher development on this app depends on participation from users like reporting back to me how they like it, suggestions, bug reports ect...