Credits (These should always be at the top of a web page, forum post, nfo, etc, not hidden away on the bottom ;x) kornkob - taught me initial knowledge of the halo map files PfhorSlayer - made much possible, plus the program loads up the output file from HME Donny and unsc - my two main beta testers of infinite patients. All of #halohacker, #halo, and #halo2 for helping me with many bumps as I went along Probably many other people who helped me that I forgot, but this isn't the Grammy's or anything... Author's note: Ok; when I began writing this program, my xbox wasn't working and I'm currrently waiting on money to order a mod chip to fix it. (email if you'd like to donate me a chip ;P). I was given a basic intro to the halo map file structure by kob (i'll link to a tutorial if we ever finish one what he taught me) and ran with it; this is the result. Due to not having a working box to test much of this, I've had to have other people test it and rely on their information. Also note, there are many many unknowns and I'd appreciate any help mapping them that can be given. The program allows you to change them just like max ammo or zoom's, so just change some and post your results on the forum's ( Oh yea, finally.. this is a very beta program, I believe it has a slight memory leak too. Don't put your whining in that thread if it's about any of the listed problems, and if you don't like the program, simply don't use it. What is it? WepEditor is a program allowing you to change much of the data stored in the weapon structure (or metadata). It gives you control over almost every aspect of the weapon. Usage: To change an object reference (model, sounds, effects, etc) . Expand the weapon you'd like to work with in the tree view by clicking the [+]. . Expand the category your interested in by clicking the [+] next to it. . Select the attribute you'd like to change. . Select the new attribute in the "New Value:" drop down list (this list contains only the same objects by default; I.E you can only switch a model with a model. To change this, click the check box saying "Show all identifiers") . Click Update WARNING: The cache file is changed as soon as this button is clicked! To change a single value attribute (unknowns, max ammo, zooms, etc) . Expand the weapon you'd like to work with in the tree view by clicking the [+]. (For Unknowns expand the unknown category you'd like to play in) . Scroll down until you find the value you'd like to change and select it. . The "New Value:" drop down list should say "Custom Value:". Enter the new value in the text box near the exit button. . Click Update WARNING: The cache file is changed as soon as this button is clicked! Fun stuff (so far): Change Pistol->Projectile->bullet to 611: vehicles\warthog.vehi / scorpion / ghost Change Plasma Pistol->Damage Model->weapons\plasma pistol\melee to 1701: globals/Vehicle_collision.jpt! - Donny Current Features: + Edit sounds and effects related to a weapon + Edit projectile a weapon fires + Edit weapon models (first and 2nd person) + Edit collision and damage models for a weapon + Change weapon ammo info (clip size, maxium ammo) + Change zooms on a weapon Current known issues: - Specific to Bloodgultch map. - For Plasma weapons, vehicle weapons, ball and flag some fields are uneditable - Lots of unknowns (help with this! you can still change them!)