AvaConfig ========= You require the .NET framework installed to run AvaConfig. You can install the .NET framework either from http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com or by direct download here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=262d25e3-f589-4842-8157-034d1e7cf3a3&DisplayLang=en The default.xml file is the default settings packaged with avalaunch. This program loads that xml file each time it is run (with the exception of when you have it set to load the settings from the xbox). VERSION HISTORY =============== 1.1 ----- - Added drag and drop support to make the Launcher manager easier to use - Added a multi-connection mananger. Now you can save multiple avalaunch connections to make replication of your settings easier. Eliminated auto load settings from xbox for the time being. - Verified support for latest Avalaunch build 0.48.64 1.0b4 ----- - Fixed some major performance issues with the internal FTP client. Now it's super speedy - Fixed a reoccuring glitch that prevented you from saving your new settings directly to your xbox. - Made it so now when you save your settings, AvaConfig makes a backup of your avalaunch.xml and calls it avalaunch.xml.bak, just in case you want to recover your last configuration. - Finally fixed all the tab orders ;) 1.0b3 --- - Tested with the new 0.48.60 build - Released avaxferman.dll - .NET programmers companion to communicating with avalaunch - avaxferman.dll version 1.0.1503.5157 - Added the option to auto load xml from xbox at startup - Added shoutcast support - Added ability to fetch the EEPROM_BACKUP.bin that avalaunch creates on startup. 1.0b2 ----- - Added the ability to reboot the XBOX after settings saved directly to it - Added the abiltiy to autodetect any Avalaunch box on your network - Some cosmetic changes Props ===== Big Thanks to the Avalaunch team for creating such a find evolutionary piece of work, as well as being very helpful in providing details on the guts of avalaunch. Thanks to Skorchir for finding the perfect icon as well as all his valuable input. For the record his current "Number of people converted to Ava" total is well into the Billions :D.