---------------------------------- ---- The Maze of Galious -------- ---- Port By: Neobomb -------- ---------------------------------- ---- www.EmuXtras.net -------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------- 1.0 --------------- --------------------------------- This is my initial Xbox port of MAZE OF GALIOUS REMAKE v0.63 by Brain Games. This port borrows a lot from the Wii port by Moreira; I tried to get as many of his add ons into this version because I couldn't do a straight port of the Wii version for some reason. I was getting weird video issues. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- The Maze of Galious (MoG in short) was originally a Konami game for the MSX computer system. Its real name is Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious and is the sequel of another Konami game called Knightmare. ----------------------------------------------------- -- GAME CONTROLS -- ----------------------------------------------------- DPAD/JOYSTICK = Movement A BUTTON = SWORD X BUTTON = WEAPON B BUTTON = JUMP Y BUTTON = ITEM MENU/CHARACTER SELECT BACK BUTTON = OPTIONS MENU/VIRTUAL KEYBOARD IN DEMON ROOM START BUTTON = PAUSE R/L TRIGGER = CYCLE WEAPONS (IF YOU HAVE ANY) BLACK BUTTON = ZOOM IN WHITE BUTTON = ZOOM OUT CLICK RIGHT STICK FOR SCREEN RESIZER NOTE: When you find out a demons name you must press the BACK BUTTON while in the demon room to bring up the virtual keyboard in order to type it out. Otherwise he will never come :P ------ THANKS ------ Lantus for porting SDL, Hyper_Eye for updating it, Brain Games for making the game. Moreira for the Wii port, which brought the main menu, virtual keyboard, etc. Thanks to all the staff at EmuXtras.Net for sticking around and keeping the site active, as well as the ever growing user-base we have there.