---------------------------------- ---- Super Transball 2 -------- ---- Port By: Neobomb -------- ---------------------------------- ---- www.EmuXtras.net -------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------- 1.0 --------------- --------------------------------- This is my initial Xbox port of Super Transball 2 by Brain Games. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- "Super Transbal 2" is the sequel of "Transball" and "Transball 2", Inspired in THRUST type of games (and concretely in ZARA THRUSTA for the Amiga 500). ----------------------------------------------------- -- GAME CONTROLS -- ----------------------------------------------------- DPAD/JOYSTICK = Movement A BUTTON/R TRIGGER = Thrust X BUTTON/L TRIGGER = REVERSE-Thurst B BUTTON = FIRE GUNS Y BUTTON = COLLECTOR START BUTTON = PAUSE BACK BUTTON = QUIT GAME CLICK RIGHT STICK FOR SCREEN RESIZER NOTE: In game menus all have their own controlls, most of which are noted in said menu ------ THANKS ------ Lantus for porting SDL, Hyper_Eye for updating it, Brain Games for making the game. Thanks to all the staff at EmuXtras.Net for sticking around and keeping the site active, as well as the ever growing user-base we have there.