StepmaniaX - Stepmania for XBox - v2 Firstly, I'd like to thank the developers of Stepmania for making this program. It is truly one of my favorite things to play. They deserve all the credit for this, especially since the most recent CVS source code has preliminary support for XBox already. I just took it the "last half-mile" or so. I would very much appreciate it if someone from the official Stepmania development crew would get in contact with me via : I'd like to merge the changes I made into the official CVS sources. I know has a BBS/forum system also, but I am not comfortable giving out my email address to gain access to it. So, here's what many of you have been waiting for : What's New: - StepMania 3.9 alpha 6 sources (Alpha 7 came out just as I was finishing this up....but I just wanted to get this one out since it was practically done already. I'll get around to upgrading to alpha 7 soon.) - Health Meter Bar bug fixed - Sync'ing bugs fixed - MP3 bugs fixed - Default Joypad configuration maps to DPAD as well as A/B/X/Y - Keyboard support - OGG support - You can remap the Joypad configuration if you have a USB keyboard. If you do not have a USB keyboard, do *not* select the option to remap input controls. If you do, you will not be able to do anything (since only the keyboard is read on that screen) and you will be forced to reboot. Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD, FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26X, StepmaniaX, PCSXBox, XBoyAdvance, DOSXBox, AtariXLBox, MirrorMagicX, KoboX, MaelstromX, MarblesX, Vice64X, Vice20X, VicePETX, KegsX... what's next? Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------- StepmaniaX - Stepmania for XBox - v1 Months before the official DDR game comes to platform, I give you StepmaniaX! Please note that this NFO does not contain instructions for how to use Stepmania. If this is your first time playing with Stepmania, then I suggest you download the Windows version first. Consult the stepmania website noted above and read up on the Stepmania documentation. This StepmaniaX package will run without any modifications/additions, but it will only contain one sample dance song. It is up to you do add the songs you desire. ------------ Installation ------------ First, ensure that the StepmaniaX package you have contains lots of graphics and MP3 files. It has come to my attention that some very foolish people have been stripping my original packages of necessary files. They take out the /MEDIA directory sometimes or they will remove BIOS files necessary for emulators to run, etc. If the StepmaniaX package you downloaded does not contain lots of graphics and MP3 files, then *IT WILL NOT RUN*. All of the files are *necessary*. If your package does not contain all of the graphics/MP3 files, then I suggest that you download the Windows Stepmania 3.0 final file from here: After downloading it, install it on your PC, then upload the entire Stepmania directory to a directory on your XBox. Now copy the XBE file into the Stepmania directory along with the /MEDIA directory. When you are finished, the directory structure on your XBox should look like this: Announcers BGAnimations Cache CDTitles Courses Media Music NoteSkins RandomMovies Songs 1,404,928 stepmaniax.xbe Themes Visualizations Please note that as of this time StepmaniaX will only run off the HD - do not attempt to run it from DVD/CDRW media. ------- LOADING ------- Simply run the XBE file. When it starts, you will see some text messages on the screen telling you the progress of the files it is trying to load. When it finishes loading the song files, you will be presented with the main StepmaniaX title screen. ---------------------------------- HOW DO I USE MY PS/PS2 DANCE MATS? ---------------------------------- Get a PS2->Xbox controller adaptor. The one I have is called "Total Control" from Team5 and it works great. I'm sure any others will work just as well. ------------- XBOX CONTROLS ------------- Any controller plugged into any of the 4 XBox ports can perform certain actions while running StepmaniaX: LANALOG/RANALOG - Use these to adjust the screen. DPAD U/D/L/R - These correspond to the dance arrows and also menu scrolling START - Select/Start BACK - Cancel - hold this button down while playing to back out BLACK/WHITE - Only used during gameplay. These will adjust the beat offset. If you notice that the dance steps seem to be a bit before or a bit after the actual music, then use these buttons to make adjustments until it plays the way you want it to. LTRIGGER/RTRIGGER - Only used during gameplay. These will adjust the BPM value. If you notice that the dance steps start off OK, but gradually drift more and more out of whack, then you should use these buttons to adjust the BPM value until it plays the way you want it to. ------------ RESTRICTIONS ------------ The following restrictions may or may not be removed in a future release : Does not support OGG files. Only use MP3 files. Does not support AVI/MPG or any other kind of movie file. Can only run from the XBox hard drive. Can not use the Song Edit screens --------------- TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- Q: It used to work, but now I just get a blank screen. What happened? A: The stepmania.ini file was probably changed. Delete it and restart. Q: I have a PAL XBox and it doesn't seem to work. A: Make sure widescreen and/or progressive settings are off. Try both PAL/50 and PAL/60. Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD, FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26, StepmaniaX....what's next? Enjoy!