BreakoutX3D v1.3 Well here's the second release of BreakoutX and i've gone 3d! All the changes from v1 are pretty much cosmetic. I've added music (Big shout out to the Chemical Brothers for letting me "borrow" the rocking track), some sound effects and textures. Also ironed out a few little bugs. You can change the textures and music if you want, just remember to rename the files you replace correctly. (The BALL.bmp files are the backgrounds BTW.) Controls: Either Thumbstick: Move paddle. Y: Pause A: Turn off background X: Turn on background Shoulder buttons plus black: Back to dash. This will be the last release for quite a while as it's gonna take quite some time getting everything ready for the next version. I hoping to add power-ups, user-defined levels, a menu where you can change difficulty etc. Plus all sorts of other exciting stuff! Thanks to: The guys at who know there stuff. (You know who you are.) The Chemical Brothers. Drunken Hyena for some great DirectX tutorials which got me started. Enjoy! PM :)