UXE Autoinstaller UXE version 0.21 By TNHitokiri ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is based off the version that Team Guex made but with a few changes and more UXE options. I wrote the config script myself, but I looked at Guex's version to see what I had to do. Credits to Team Guex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes from French to English 1. I took out the 2 config scripts and just coded 1 instead. 2. I removed PBL and the bioses and used the nkpatcher included in UXE 0.21 3. I added support for 71 and 61 fonts and 06 [F Drive] and 67[F and G Drive] size HD 4. Changed the skin of the UnleashX installer 5. Made the uninstall UXE more effiecent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!--- If you do not Backup your C drive and your EEPROM and something goes wrong, You are screwed and it wil be VERY difficult or impossible to restore your XBOX. ---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!---!Warning!--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Info About Installer --------------------------- 1.) Backing Up your C drive will put the entire contents of C drive into the folder E:\Backup\CdriveBackup\ 2.) Backing Up your EEPROM will put your EEPROM and other files into E:\Backup\Backup 3.) Install UXE has 4 options to choose from A.) Install with 06 HD [Which is where F drive takes up all space on HD ] A1.) Install with 61 fonts [Only reccomended if 71 fonts do not work ] A2.) Install with 71 fonts [Most reccomended way of installing UXE ] B.) Install with a 67 HD [Which is where F drive takes up to 137 gb and G drive takes up the rest ] B1.) Install with 61 fonts [Only reccomended if 71 fonts do not work ] B2.) Install with 71 fonts [Most reccomended way of installing UXE ] Please choose if you want a 06 or a 67 HD and then try 71 fonts first ALWAYS. If 71 fonts do not work, try the 61 fonts. 4.) Delete Cache will delete the xboxs temporary cache. This could prevent some RARE problem that might occur when installing UXE 5.) Uninstall UXE removes UXE from your HD and restores all the files you backed up in E:\Backup\CdriveBackup which you did in step 1. 6.) Deleting the temporary files removes the UXE autoinstaller from your xbox. If you want to get back to the UXE installer, you need to copy it back over from your memory card. 7.) FileExplorer will let you browse through the contents of your xbox. 8.) Will reboot the UXE autoinstaller 9.) Will shutdown the xbox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions or Support can be found at XBOX-SCENE.com You can not recieve support if you did not read this readme prior to installing UXE or if you did not backup your C drive and your EEPROM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am not responible for any damages this may do to your xbox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created By TNHitokiRi Based of UXE autoinstaller by Team Guex