libSDLx V1.2 - Xbox Release V0.01 Source ---------------------------------------- This is a Xbox port of SDL. More information can be located at or for the Xbox version. How to build libSDLx -------------------- 1) smpeg - MP3 library (Optional) Open libSmpegX.vcproj in Xbox subdirectory Build library 2) timidity - MIDI library Open timidity.vcproj Build library 3) mikmod - mod/s3m/xm/it library Open mikmod.vcproj Build library 4) libSDLx - SDL library Open libSDLx.vcproj Compile your done! Notes ----- - SMPEG mp3 library support define MP3_MUSIC in your libSDLx project - No Vorbis/OGG support (yet) - do people want this? - if your SDL application uses MP3 support, you need to link libSMPEGx.lib in your target application. (For some reason trying to link libSMPEGx.lib in the libSDLx project causes INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR). - SDL encapsulates Xbox API functionality. For example video routines create its own DirectX device, sound creates is own DSound device etc. So trying to mix xbapp.cpp and SDLx is bad news. The whole point of SDL is to provide a nice interface and portable code across platforms. - Remember if you decide to port an existing SDL app/game/demo/emulator you must provide source code as per GPL. Any problems with the lib contact me or discuss your issues on my SDLx forum at i wont bother reading issues about how to compile code etc. Finally if anyone has knowledge in setting up CVS to host the source contact me.