DOSXBox 286/386 PC Emulator port for XBox v1 Features : - Emulates 286/386 - Excellent compatibility - ported from DOSBOX Super thanks to Lantus for his SDL-XBox libraries! ========== How To Use ========== (You really need a USB Keyboard to do anything interesting with this port.) First, create a subdirectory called "GAMES" off of the directory where the DOSXBox XBE is located. Put your old DOS games in this directory. When DOSXBox starts, you'll be presented with a screen that looks a lot like an MSDOS bootup screen. Your XBox E: drive is set to the DOSXBox E: drive. The XBox D:\GAMES directory is mapped to DOSXBox C: drive. The XBox DVD-ROM drive is mapped to the DOSXBox D: drive. Currently, DOSXBox will only read XBox compatible DVD-Rs/CDRWs. (e.g. those made with utilities like XISO.) If you do a "dir" you should be presented with the list of items that you uploaded to D:\GAMES on your XBox. Simply type in the name of the game you wish to play and it should play it. You will almost definitely have to do some fine-tuning to get games to play at the correct speed and without jittery music. Use the following keys to tune your game until it plays the way you want: CTRL-F7 Decrease frameskip. CTRL-F8 Increase frameskip. CTRL-F11 Slowdown emulation. CTRL-F12 Speedup emulation. ALT-F11 Slowdown emulation (smaller factor than CTRL-F11). ALT-F12 Speedup emulation (smaller factor than CTRL-F12). More useful keys: CTRL-F9 Exit DOSXbox. CTRL-ARROWS Reposition screen ALT-ARROWS Resize screen Please also consult the included, official DOSBOX README for more information on usage. Note that some of what is included in that README is not applicable to the XBox version. Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD, FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26X, StepmaniaX, PCSXBox, XBoyAdvance, DOSXBox....what's next? Enjoy!