--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Copy the dir over to your xbox. - general : This is where cfg files and whatnot are stored - ini : This is where ini files are stored - Media: Font.xpr - roms : This is where you should put all of your ROM files/directories - backup : Directory where "deleted" ROMs are stored - samples : This is where you should put all of your audio sample zips default.xbe : The executable file MAMEoX.xbe : Just did the compile but credit got to the guys that wrote the code. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: Available ROMs screen: A - Play selected ROM X + B - Move ROM to the "BACKUP" directory (this is to allow the user to "permanently" remove a ROM from the listing, without really deleting the file. Note that there is no way, currently, of adding the file back to the list. You'd have to manually move it back to the ROMs directory Y - Hold to enter "Super Scroll" mode. In the upper left hand corner of the screen, a letter (or #) will appear. Using the DPAD up and down buttons, you can change the letter, skipping to the section of the list starting with that letter. Black - Search for ROM files, culling out clones White - Search for ROM files, keeping clones Left Trigger - Move the current ROM cursor up fast Right Trigger - Move the current ROM cursor down fast DPAD/Left Analog Stick - Move the current ROM cursor slowly Right Analog Stick - Used to set the screen usage percentage for MAME rendering. Moving the stick will resize the green background (which is where the game screen will be rendered). This should be sized such that a very small black border is revealed all around the green. Failure to do this will cause clipping (where the parts of the screen are not visibile) or suboptimal usage (where there is a big black border around the game screen) Pressing Left Trigger, Right Trigger, and the Black button on Joypad 1 will jump to the dashboard. MAME input mappings: As of version 0.5a, there is no INI file to reconfigure the keypad mappings. Reconfiguration can be done via editing the osd_customize_inputport_defaults function in xbox_JoystickMouse.c. All UI config utilizes the "back" (coin 1) button, as this is (hopefully) the least disruptive during normal play. "Cancel" : Joypad 1, BACK and START "Toggle Crosshair" : Joypad 1, BACK and Left Analog button "UI Configure" : Joypad 1, BACK and White button "Pause" : Joypad 1, BACK and Black button "On screen display" : Joypad 1, BACK and Right Analog Button "Reset ROM" : Joypad 1, BACK, Left Trigger, and Right Trigger "Load State" : Joypad 1, BACK, Right Analog button, and Left trigger "Save State" : Joypad 1, BACK, Right Analog button, and Right trigger Player Controls Button 1 - A Button 2 - X Button 3 - B Button 4 - Y Button 5 - Left Trigger Button 6 - Right Trigger Button 7 - Left Analog button Button 8 - Right Analog button Button 9 - White Button 10 - Black Enter Coin - Back Start - Start --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributions: - The project is currently in need of some decent artwork for the splash screen and initial UI. Feel free to contribute files, you won't be paid, but you'll at least get your name on the thing :) More information can be found on the project website. Be sure not to send any copyrighted material (unless you own the copyright and are willing to allow us to use the image(s)) - Any reports of bugs, crashes, etc... that you can file would be great. Just be sure never to send any copyrighted materials (ROMs, compiled XBE images). The more detailed the report, the better. Bugs will most likely be handled in the order of legibility, reproducibility, and general "niceness" of the report. That is to say, if you report "ROM x doesn't wurk u fag, u suk", the report will likely be sent to the circular file. However, if you don't have the technical background to give a really detailed report, just saying "ROM x crashed my machine when booting" or "ROM x crashed my machine on level 3" w/out any flames is enough. If you can, please try to reproduce the problem and be sure to mention whether or not you can consistently reproduce it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------