Media X Menu Version 0.9d Beta NOTE: Do not use 0.5 or 0.6 on a DVD-R. There was a bug that is now fixed in 0.7 and above... sorry for the confusion. Media X Menu is a menu system to launch applications from a DVD collection or from a hard drive. It is intended to be very configurable and allow new "themes" to be added in, both with simple visual changes, or adding 3D effects to the presentation of the menus by re-writing the software. It is now in "Beta" status. It should be stable to use on DVD-R discs, but who knows? As usual, use at your own risk. I am releasing this source code for others to use for both their own projects, and hopefully, to enhance this project. The current features are as follows: There *ARE* still some bugs with this thing.... but I've tried to do as much testing as possible without spending three weeks on it. I believe most of it relates to the handling of the soundtracks at the moment, but tracking down everything is time consuming and at the moment, it seems to work 99.9% of the time. My suggestion would be to not use "random" soundtrack play, and it will be turned of by default. * Impliments the "Simple" theme, allowing a title screen, menu screen, loading screen and saver screen, each with configurable elements (custom backgrounds, custom bouncing logo for the screen saver) * Simple theme uses Skins based in subdirectories, and can use randomly selected skins on every run of the program. * Launches applications from the hard drive and the CD/DVD drive. * Screen saver! * Can play one or more music tracks, with multiple options, such as- - Disc-specific tracks (played from subdirectory, for example) - Can play from the XBox soundtracks the user has on his hard drive - Can play random or in order * Supports BMP, PNG, TGA, and JPG image formats * All settings are done via XML file support, a format familiar to many users. * Supports 640x480 at the moment. Sorry, just ran out of time to get the multi-res support in. ================================================== === IR Remote Support === ================================================== Thanks to d7o3g4q and RUNTiME for releasing their source code as without this Remote support wouldn't have been possible. Here is the latest Build with full IR Remote Support. The COntrols are as Follows: ============================ IR Remote up/down = scroll trhough the menu list IR Remote Select = Select's the Game / Emulator IR Remote Info = Media X Menu Version Info Displayed IR Remote Back = Return To Media X Menu Title Screen IR Remote 0 = Reboot XBOX back to Dashboard Any button on the IR Remote will come out of the screensaver and skip past menu's like the Controller does. IR Support By SpOoK with thanks to d7o3g4q and RUNTiME for their IR Remote Code. Note from BenJeremy: I don't have the remote, but the code looks good and SpOok has tested this with most of the releases. ================================================== === A Note about XML === ================================================== For those not familiar with XML, it's basically a method of tagging information in a text file. Configuration XML files in MXM, for example take on the following structure:
My Collection MAME 1
The entire config is surrounded by the tags, and each section has their own group. Complex skins will get much more sophisticated, due to the nature of what needs to be done... When these are implimented, there will be a very detailed description of how these XML files must be built. In the meantime, all INI files can be converted into MXM XML files using the INItoXML converter for Windows in this binary release. ================================================== === Auto-Config Items === ================================================== To make things a bit more bulletproof, MXM now supports "Auto-config" I would encourage those who make software releases for the Xbox to include a game/logo screenshot and an MXM_Entry.ini file as part of the release. Auto-config loading sequence: 1. First MXM loads all the entries in the MXM.ini file 2. MXM then searches the IMMEDIATE subdirectories for MXM_Entry.ini files. If found it will attempt to load those values... missing values or non-existant files will cause MXM to fall back to the following steps. 3. If an executable has not been assigned by the MXM_Entry.ini file, MXM will look for "default.xbe", failing to find default.xbe, it will search for the FIRST *.xbe file it finds in the directory and use that. 4. If an executable has been found, but no title has been assigned, it will use the title stored as part of the XBE's built-in certificate. 5. Lastly, if there is no game/logo screenshot assigned at this point, the system will look for the first MXM_SS.* file that is a JPG, BMP, TGA, PNG or GIF and use that file. So the easiest thing to do, for each game, is to simply through a screenshot in the directory named "MXM_SS.jpg" (or whatever the extension is for the chosen format). Next easiest thing is the above screenshot file, with an MXM_Entry.ini file including the following: ---------- [Item] Title=Mame Vol#3 Description=CAPCOM collection! ---------- The [Item] Section may also include the following: Media= The image file, relative to the location of this entry ini file. Exe= The filename only, of the XBE to use in this directory. Ex: "Exe=XMarbles.xbe" =================================================================== FAQ: =================================================================== Q: I've got an Enigmah Beta, why doesn't this run? A: I don't have a patch tool for Enigmah users. Sorry.... if you have such a tool, please get a hold of me at xbox-scene or Q: I don't like the title screen. Can you get rid of it? A: Well, it's simple enough to give the title screen delay a value of '0' to skip by it. Q: I don't like the screen saver feature, how do I get rid of that? A: Same thing, a delay time of zero will de-activate the saver. Q: Where can I find skins? A: I'll try and release a few, but at the moment, nobody is hosting skins specifically for my menu system; HOWEVER, since the 'default' layout for simple happens to match up to Complex MenuX, you can use skins created for that system with this menu (of course, MXM is far more flexible in positioning screens and items) Q: How about a tutorial on using this? A: I'd love to put one together for it, but to be honest, I'm probably the wrong person to do the job (as the developer, I'd have a hard time making a tutorial from a nontechnical perspective). If anybody out there feels up to the task, please do and send it to our good friends at xbox-scene. Q: I can't get this to boot. A: Well, I need a copy of your INI file, at the very least, in order to determine what the problem is. Try checking your image files and make sure they are there and are correctly formatted. Get a hold of me at xbox-scene if all else fails. =================================================================== HISTORY: =================================================================== Alpha 0.2 Minor bug fix release * Fixed problem identifying the correct partitions. (Thanks ITM of for the fix) * Added speed enhancement, again, thanks ITM for this code. * Moved soundtrack to it's own thread to prevent pausing in screen saver * "About" box added when pressing "White button" in the menu screen * Added the PersistDisplay() call, but didn't notice a difference. No loading screen joy. * Added "DrawDescription" to Menu section to allow you the ability to turn off the description. * Keyboard support - Cursor Up/Down, ENTER to select. Keys skip title and saver, F1 brings up "about box" and PrintScreen key will reboot to the dashboard. Alpha 0.3 Minor bug fix release * Fixed problem identifying the correct partition for F:. AGAIN. Bah! The generic code didn't want to work, even after I identified a problem with the code. Fixed it with a specific case for F: Alpha 0.4 * More bug fixes! Didn't realize that C:, E:, and F: were unmounted, causing problems when the image files didn't "live" in the directory below the menu system and get called as "D:\***" This problem is now fixed. * Changed option "Theme" in section [Main] to "Style" This will represent the type of menu displayed (simple, or in the future, 3-D styles) * Smooth scrolling menu items and descriptions. * Menus and description placement are fully configurable. Defaults to MenuX style, to be compatible with existing MenuX skins. Now menus, screenshots, and the description can be placed anywhere on the screen and in just about any size. You can also select the maximum number of options displayed at any given time (that is, how many item rows are displayed in the menu item box) Alpha 0.5 * Phew. Bug fix. Sorry about that, people, but there was a big bug causing instability in the system. It's very difficult to debug an app wthout a debug console. Many problems solved now. * SKINS! SKINS! SKINS! SKINS! This is the first release supporting self-contained skins! "DefaultSkin" is included with the release, basically the same images and sounds as in the previous releases, now in a handly subdirectory with their own ini file. Beta 0.6 * Cleaned up a couple of cosmetic bugs. * Fixed a problem with the skin soundtracks * Implimented a few more skin attributes. Not all are there yet. * Changed the screensaver slightly. * Release will be a bit cleaner than before, with the ini files cleaned up. Beta 0.7 * Fixed a bug that prevented skins from working in 0.5 and 0.6 I now will test each release with a XDFS formatted CD-RW (problems and time make testing on DVD-RW or DVD-R prohibitive at the moment) Beta 0.8 * Fixed issue with descriptions that are missing. * Cleaned up message box popping up when a screenshot is missing. Beta 0.9 * AutoConfig!! See the section on AutoConfig for complete details. * Sped up menuing by offloading screenshots to a seperate thread. Beta 0.9b * Added IR support, courtesy of SpOoK from the forums (See the section on the IR support) * Fixed 'overzealous' keypress issue. * Changed dashboard sequence for the controller from BACK+START to RIGHT STICK+LEFT STICK It remains "PrntScr" for the keyboard. Beta 0.9c * Added the ability to navigate using the thumbsticks * Fixed the PersistDisplay() issue. Loading screens now display. * WMV is now a supported format! The videos will loop, and sound is disabled in this release by default. I'll add parameters to change those (sound does work) shortly. WMV files can be used ANYWHERE an image file is used. Thanks go out to Syn3rgy @ the forums for knocking down the remaining barriers on this feature. * Moving away from ini files. XML will be the new standard (faster loading) To make things easier, I've included a converter, to modify existing files to the new format. * Disable for auto-config - Set Main->AllowAutoConfig to No (or Off/false) * Main->MoveDelay - Time between pressing down/up and the menu changing selections in Repeat mode. * Main->RepeatDelay - Time between holding down/up and the program repeating the move. * Main->LoadSkin parameter to select a specific skin (Based on directory name) * Main->ExitApp allows you to specify a dashboard other than the 'default' one, such as "C:\evoxdash.xbe" when using the dashboard sequence. This solves a problem when using MXM as your default dashboard application. * Well, a lot of work, but I've sped things up a bit (well, not really sped up, as much as shuffled things around) and added a nice fade in to a moving sky and MXM logo just before hitting the title screen. * Smooth transitions now occur between menu states * the slight "stutter" from the music when MXM starts up is now fixed. Beta 0.9d * Fixed a problem that prevented Auto-config from finding the correct *.xbe file, even if it was specified in the MXM_Entry.xml file. It will work correctly now. * Added WMV as an Auto-config media type (It will use a file named MXM_SS.wmv in the game directory.) At the moment, I'm looking at cleaning up the remaining skinnable items, random local soundtrack and working on a Windows-based helper app for configuring MXM and it's game entries. KNOWN ISSUES: * Slight "glitch" when transitioning from the initialization screen to the title screen. * MoveDelay and RepeatDelay are currently only implimented for the stick. * Users have expressed a desire to see the screenshots fade from one to another. * Items loaded from the MXM.ini are not checked yet for validity. If they don't exist, the entries should be tossed. * WMV files *MUST* have sound present, even if you are not playing sound. * Support for XMV is not present. * Not all skinning options supported yet - Still working on these. * Setting Random on with Global off prevents local skin track from working. * Global off may prevent the local music directory from working * More styles needed (this is beyond the skinnable "simple style", referring to 3D styles like a spinning screenshot cube, for example.) * Circular menus option =================================================================== Things that couldn't make it into this release, but are planned: =================================================================== * Passcode access to specific games. This option would allow the person configuring MXM to prevent access to an option based on a passcode. * Help screens for games. This will be implemented as images displayed when you hit a particular button. * More detailed directions. Look, this stuff takes forever, and this will have to do until the later. Sorry. * XMV and other animated format support. WMV is supported for now, though. * Smarter relative paths. For now, we must assume any relative path is a CD/DVD. There is still work to be done to examine symbolic links so the menu system knows "where" it actually is being run from. * More eye-candy. - Animated menus (M$ Dash style or a rotating screenshot cube, for example) - Soundtrack-aware visuals in a screensaver * Support for all video modes (HDTV, PAL). * Full support for external fonts. =================================================================== Other ideas: =================================================================== * A PC-side app to handhold through the process of making and verifying a menu. =================================================================== Suggestions: =================================================================== [maidenman from xbox-scene]---------- How about waiting five seconds and then automatically booting that game. (Similar to the Windows multi-boot menu). This way, those who use Media X as their dashboard can have their current game of choice boot automatically, no user-intervention, when they turn on their Box! This should be an option than can be disabled in the .ini. If you want to get fancy, remember how many times every game on the menu has been loaded, and re-order the menu so most popular games are on top, the way the Windows XP start menu works. Those games you have on the Hard Drive just for the occasional demo for friends will automagically be positioned on the end of the list. [weavus from xbox-scene]---------- Too many to count. :) I'm trying to get as much as possible in 1.0 I think we are going to need the ability to turn off the amittedly nice new loading sky/logo as it looks out of place when you are using nested MXM's. I.E. having one as a main menu and sub ones for categories. I like the fact it displays quickly but would rather have the title screen while I wait for a sub MXM to load. >>My response<< What I might do, when I get it working, is have the initialization screen (which is what's happening when it's displayed) disabled when it loads with parameters... which is how I might handle using multiple MXM.xml files. I'm still tweaking that particular issue in my head. The title screen is a bit difficult to throw up, since a lot has to happen before we can even get to that stage (including loading & parsing MXM.xml, looking for skins, loading and parsing the MXM_Skin.xml, and loading the associated image). It's much faster now (a few seconds) and believe it or now, image loading is actually QUICKER when using WMV videos. I'll play around a bit more with it. I might also make an optional "fade to black and back" transition between states (actually, there's probably a whole slew of transitions I could add now). [NetDan]---------------- How about adding game categery menus? It would be great to organize the games like (FPS, Racing, Action, Sports, etc). I know I can do this with EvolutionX but I really like MenuX because I can see game covers and screenshots. I don't know how hard this would be but thanks in advance if you do decide to add this feature! =================================================================== Configuring MXM: =================================================================== Configuration is now done with XML files. This was done to maintain consistency, since the upcoming features require the flexibility of XML for more complex skinning options. For the most part, you only need to run the INI to XML converter for Windows (released with these binaries) to convert your existing files over to the new file format. You may even edit these files as INI files and convert to XMl with the tool. XML is pretty straightforward, looking much like an HTML file. For MXM configuration, the files will look something like this:
This format will also allow multi-line descriptions in game entries which will be very useful in the near future. Well, enough discussing the merits of XML, on with the show: We won't be detailing skin options. These should be set from the Skin configuration file. From this version on out, such options are "officially" unsupported in the main MXM.xml file, and while they may work at the moment, they may not in the next version. ------------------- Menu items: ------------------- Each menu item will be listed in its own section, using "Item_x" as the name. It will read each item in order, starting with Item_1, until it fails to find the "next" one.... See the sample INI file for a detailed example. Example: ToeJam and Earl III Platforming classic returns! TOEJAM3.png TOEJAM Title [title string] The title that's displayed in the menu selection Description [text to be displayed at the bottom of the selection menu] The text displayed at teh bottom of the menu selection box Media [filename (may include absolute or relative path) of image] The bitmap (BMP,TGA,PNG,JPG) used to display a screenshot or title screen Dir [Relative or absolute path to program] The directory the exeutable resides in Exe [executable filename] The executable filename, defaults to default.xbe ------------------- Main config: ------------------- DiscTitle [Title String Here] The title displayed in the title screen DiscSubtitle [Subtitle String Here] Text displayed below title in title screen Style [Style ID] Style ID, currently unsupported, when supported, this option will determine the menu 'style' used. NOTE: This does not refer to the "skins" being used. 2-D skins are, as a whole, a style. It is unsupported, because in the future, MXM will have 3-D styles, in addition to the 2-D skinnable style. *TitleDelay [Delay in seconds] Delay, in seconds, for the display of the title screen on startup. (Default 20sec) Hitting a button will bypass the title screen. *SaverDelay [Delay in seconds] Delay before launching the screen saver from the menu screen. (Default 300sec, or 5 min) MXMPath [Absolute path] Defaults to D:\, this represents the path the menu is being run from. Used to launch apps run from relative paths. This is only useful when running the app from the hard drive, otherwise, just leave it off. ExitApp [Absolute filepath to dashboard] Because some are using MXM as a dashboard, this option was included to facilitate the launch of a dashboard application using the "Dash" button combination (both thumbsticks down). Normally, this can be ignored. ExitAppParams [Text to feed to ExitApp application] Not currently used. LoadSkin [Name of skin to use on startup] Technically, it's the name of the directory the skin resides in, for example "LCARS" or "DefaultSkin" - a skin MUST exist in this directory for this to work. AllowAutoConfig [Yes/No] Defaults to Yes, but if you set to No, it will prevent MXM from searching subdirectories for games and applications to load up. MoveDelay [delay time in milliseconds] Defaults to 220 milliseconds RepeatDelay [delay time in milliseconds] Defaults to 220 milliseconds EXAMPLE:
MediaX Menu Subtitle here 20 300 C:\evoxdash.xbe LCARS D:\ 100 500
: : : : : : : : Other sections : : : : : : : :
------------------- Menu config: ------------------- AllowSaverMusic= AllowSaverSound= These are pretty much self-explanatory Example: : : : : : : : : Other sections : : : : : : : : on on : : : : : : : : Other sections : : : : : : : : ------------------- Music config: ------------------- Adding music tracks to the menu system You have several basic options: 1. Playing a specific file 2. Playing a directory of music 3. Playing the Xbox's own soundtrack You should always have something to play. Options under [Music]: UseMusic [on/off] If on (Default), music will play, if off, no music will be played. Background [filename] This option allows you to place a single file into the "local" soundtrack. Use this to select a single file to play during the menu operation. Directory [directory] This option will cause the menu system to read an entire directory and add it to the "local" soundtrack. Global [on/off] This option, when activated (default) will play any tracks contained on the Xbox's regular soundtracks. Random [on/off] Default is on. This randomizes the order used to play the soundtrack files. If off, it will play the local soundtrack (in order) followed by the Xbox soundtracks (if Global is on, of course) : : : : : : : : Other sections : : : : : : : : true MyTrack.wma MUSIC true off =================================================================== Skins: =================================================================== Eventually, there will be a more comprehensive guide on this. All I can suggest for the moment is to examine the current skins and work from those. Remember that skins directories reside in the directory MXM itself is run from. =================================================================== Directories: =================================================================== On a DVD disc, it will look much like this: D:\default.xbe <-MXM.xbe renamed D:\MXM.xml D:\DefaultSkin D:\DefaultSkin\*.* <-Default Skin files, including MXM_Skin.xml D:\LCARS\ <-Another Skin, LCARS D:\LCARS\*.* <-LCARS skin files, including MXM_Skin.xml D:\Media D:\Media\font16.xpr D:\Media\SkyTile.jpg D:\Media\LargeLogo.png D:\GAME1 <-Directory of a game D:\GAME1\default.xbe D:\GAME1\MXM_Entry.xml <-Game Entry configuration D:\GAME1\MXM_SS.jpg <-Screenshot (could also be a WMV, for example) D:\GAME1\*.* <-Remaining files and directories D:\GAME2 <-Directory of a game D:\GAME2\default.xbe D:\GAME2\MXM_Entry.xml <-Game Entry configuration D:\GAME2\MXM_SS.bmp <-Screenshot (could also be a TGA, for example) D:\GAME2\*.* <-Remaining files and directories On a hard disk, it will look similar, except you may specify the game entries in the MXM.xml file, instead of relying on auto-config, for games not located immediately below MXM. =================================================================== Note to developers: =================================================================== Sorry this is in such a messy state. I'd like to acknowledge CodeProject as the source of the CStdString class. I've discovered that it really helps with the Xbox APIs, particularly with conversion, but it's a bit kludgy. Best to use CStdString natively (compiles as 8-bit ASCII strings) and whenever you need wchar_t types, simply assign to a temporary CStdStringW object and pass out "wsTemp.c_str()" for the desired wchar format. You could even use: CStdString sThis String(_T("test")); SomeFunctionW( CStdStringW(sThis).c_str() ); to pass in the value. The INI classes were built specifically with the Xbox in mind, They utilize STL templates for mapping the parameters and CStdString as the basis for the strings. Feel free to port this to your own applications. I intended this implementation to support other formats as well, on multiple platforms, such as XML and registry configurations on desktop systems or handhelds. Support may be added for more data types, as well. The application is laid out with the idea of operating the applications in different states. Each state has it's own initialization, activation, movement and rendering functions. This makes it easier to bounce between the different modes. This is in it's second incarnation, and I've got some ideas to improve it further. I plan on integrating the music manager further as well as more utility functions. Did I mention it's rather messy right now? Ugh. I'm working on cleaning it up. The music manager required quite a bit of work to make it more robust. Please keep in mind I'm not working with a debug console, so when something breaks, the system just doesn't work at all.... MusicManager was a big headache. I plan enhancing the current classes with more dynamic support in the future, but for now, it's pretty complete. Callbacks into the Application class (or access to buffers for the app) would be nice, particularly for the visualization stuff. "xntdll.h" The magic NTDLL routines are generally the realm of device driver programmers. There's a lot of cool stuff in here. As I said online, I think new BIOSes could theoretically support LAN drives through enhancing the driver support in the BIOS. This file will hopefully grow with other functions, as well. CStdString GetRealCDROMPath( void ): :::sigh::: This should have worked, but it's not at the moment. If anybody can figure this one out, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'd prefer not to have to kludge up some detect based on writing to D:\ to see if I'm on the hard drive or not - and it makes it absolutely impossible to see if I'm running from a subdirectory of the hard drive. This routine was supposed to unravel the symbolic links that convert the menu program's directory to be seen as "D:\" instead of what it really is. Microsoft has even been so kind as to change the parameters used by NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject() call in the Xbox. Video support: I'm probably missing something simple, something I'll see a half hour after I send this whole thing out.... but it's not working at the moment. Everything is in place.... it's just broken as it sits. Dunno why at the moment. It should load up the video info initially, then when "getting" the texture, load up the next frame, and send the texture from the "current" frame. Seems pretty simple. Once it's working, any video should be able to be used where a bitmap is. Modularizing the themes: I'd like to look at doing sections for this, but even better if there is a way to do it like a DLL. Again, I don't know if this will be possible, given the way the XBEs are loaded, but I get the impression the dashboard uses standard XBEs in EXACTLY this fashion, when they are renamed .xip's. I suspect there is a kernel function to load these by section to run. Anybody look at this? Thoughts on initialization: Currently, MXM is using the XBApplication helper class. This will soon be modified to allow different display standards. Because the previous application may have left a persistent display in a different resolution from what we are running, we need to save off the persistent display immediately after running to a texture, so we can use it. A flag, "m_bAllowAppRender" will be set to false initially, while a seperate thread runs to display an init "loading" screen with throbbing logo. Since the D3D presentation parameters are initialized in the app constructor, but not used until the "Create()" has been called, we can modify these parameters in our "local" MXMApp object's constructor before the Create() is called. XBApp() MXMApp() XBApp->Create() MXMApp->Initialize() ---> Grab PersistImage, Load Init Screen data, spin thread States->Initialize() XBApp->Run() MXMApp->FrameMove() States->FrameMove() MXMApp->Render() States->Render() Thread will slowly blend the PersistImage out and the loadscreen render in with throbbing "Initializing"