_ __ _ _ _____________/ \ _/\____/ \_/ \/ \_____________ \ \/ \ ___/ \ \ \ . \ . \__ / \ ________\______/__ \_ \ / \_____ \__/ \_/ \__/\_ / SWiTCHER \_/ description: ------------- ok, heres a short description of what this app should do one day: the idea is to be able to switch dashboards without having to rename xbe files or other stuff. dashboard switcher will consist of two parts: *one config tool which writes the name of the dash into an ini file *one launch tool which reads the ini file and launches the dash written there. u can put the config tool where u want to and launch it from ur dash menu or the way u like. the 2nd tool will be the one which gets loaded after booting. this one will then launch the dashboard u chose. if theres no ini then it will launch the config screen. easy isnt it? NOTE: THIS PROGRAM IS STILL IN AN EARLY PHASE SO MOST OF THE FEATURES LISTED ABOVE ARENT CODED YET READ THE CHANGELOG AND THE STILL TO COME PART BELOW TO SEE WHAT THIS APP CAN DO AT THE MOMENT! ok before we start with the install instructions please stand by for a short message from our sponsor: check www.konsole-modding.de (#ereignishorizont on EFNet) for hardware, lowest price guaranteed!! feel free to ask whatever you feel like installation: ------------- ok, first of all you should have a ftp connection established with your xbox. if you dont have one, check www.xbox-scene.com for tutorials or something. once connected to your xbox you should rename your avadash.xbe to avalaunch_ehz.xbe and your evoxdash.xbe to evoxdash_ehz.xbe. then upload the whole package into c:, there should be a new evoxdash.xbe in the rootdir now. this is what your rootdir should look like: c:\evoxdash_ehz.xbe c:\avalaunch_ehz.xbe c:\evoxdash.xbe c:\arial24Normal.ttf c:\Switcherdata\ and subfolders + files once everything is all set, just reboot the box. changelog: ------------- 0.1 (september 4th 2004) *INTERNAL* +first version +3D avalaunch and evolutionx buttons +scrollings +light effects +start button reboots to standard dash 0.2 (september 12th 2004) +first public version +A runs avalaunch, B runs evolutionx +shoplogo on a dice spinning in the background still to come: ------------------ *the whole stuff with the ini *the second tool (the launcher) *the config tool should write the ini (it just launches 2 dashboards) *mediaxmenu, unleashx and nexgen support *maybe dashboard autodetection *anyway its too much stuff, just read the description to get an idea about the basic features kthx. if you have any problems using this, want to leave a comment, have suggestions, feedback or just want to say how much you hate us and flame about this tool then just drop us a mail: stdin@1ehz0.de and dont forget kids: you think this tool is cool, then go support the sponsor fool! ----------over and out-----------